Guy gets webcam access to a scam call centre and proceeds to compromise their scams.

Guy gets webcam access to a scam call centre and proceeds to compromise their scams.

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  1. I love these scammers. I get them all the time mainly for credit card interest rates. I usually entertain them a little bit to waste their time.

    The longest phone call interaction I ever had lasted 2hours. I literally had them waiting on the phone call for 45mins as I pretended to drive to target to buy gift cards. That one was about arrest warrants and my SS numbers lol. They literally googles my local sheriffs department and pretend to be one lol

  2. Jim Browning makes some pretty great video. Can’t even imagine how many people he’s help, directly or indirectly, through his efforts.

  3. I have no tech game whatsoever. I do however have an especially piercing dog whistle I use after dropping my voice softer and softer and then let ‘er rip. I have no idea what the effect is on their end but I certainly end up chuckling the rest of the day. (or I think I do. Hard to tell with the ringing ears and all.)

  4. I’ve seen this guy before decent channel he fucks with them a bit sometimes will call or email people in their files. Decent channel. I wish he was more effective at attacking though and monitoring. He usually just reverse connects team viewer and grabs some files.

    He’s done a few webcam vids but it doesn’t reveal much.

    I always wanted him to get their bank details and buy their whole account out into bitcoin effectively killing their business.

    The biggest scammers he ever found was a company turning 3 million a year. The top earner brought in 20k a month

  5. Fucking hell the one where they took pictures of the woman’s children and deleted all her files. Infuriated the fuck out of me. These people need to be in jail and the key needs to be destroyed.

  6. I worked at a place like this. During training that lasted 2 weeks, they kept saying it was a sales job and that you are here for the money. That the amount of money you could make there was limitless, I thought that was weird since my Corolla was the nicest car in the parking lot.

    Once we started actually calling people, and we had to stay on script the entire time, I realized what I was doing and I never came back after that first day. A few weeks later they were raided by the FBI and they arrested all the managers there. I’m kind of mad I didn’t stay there long enough to see that.

    They had a few products, some natural viagra type stuff, a vape pen, and a “free” pearl necklace. They would run radio ads saying you can get your risk free trial of whatever product, then when you call in they try to get you to pay for the product, then they try to make you shame them I to giving you their credit card number. The pearl necklace was “free” if you paid an insane amount of processing fees and shipping, and signed up for a recurring jewelry subscription.

  7. You may also want to check out [Malcolm Merlyn (not the guy from Arrow)]( and [Deeveeaar](

    Both of these guys love to fuck with these scamming bottom feeders by call flooding (which often results in their call center being shut down) or hacking them with remote access tools. Sometimes they just get these morons to click on malware infected files so they end up fucking their own computers. Highly entertaining.

  8. I had these guys on the line for 45 minutes trying to sell me health insurance.

    I got into telling them that I was in a car accident and I now can’t keep an erection for longer than 12 seconds.
    Everything will be good to go before that, but afterwards, I’m pushing rope. Tried Viagra, splint, popsicle sticks. EVERYTHING! I’m so glad you guys called and can help me out with this.

    I kept getting passed around from supervisor to supervisor doing the Schpeel a few times. The last guy, I got frustrated and started yelling at him, “I’m going to cut my fucking dick off if you fuckers don’t quit jerking me around with this health insurance claim!”

    Guy hung up

  9. If you haven’t looked up the RoboKiller app for your cellphone, Google it. It automatically intercepts known scammers and telemarketers and wastes their time with hilarious fake responses. And it records the conversation so you can listen to it later! Worth every penny (it’s like $4 a month).

    I keep getting calls to subscribe to my local newspaper so I added that number to the app. I got a very funny recording when one of them was talking to someone who claimed to be in outer space! She kept trying to end the call and he kept talking so she kept listening! Hilarious.


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