An Open Letter to Larry

An Open Letter to Larry

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  1. This is like a time capsule back to the Bush era. Cross’s characterization of southern audiences would be so off today. Like who even gives a shit about religion anymore? Remember when /r/atheism used to be a default sub and they did faces of atheism? Remember when creationists were considered a serious threat to our children’s education? I don’t want to say those times feel quaint now because it would undercut just how foaming at the mouth people were then too and the fact that that religious fundamentalism fueled two wars in the middle east, but it definitely feels worlds away from our current political climate

  2. David Cross is exponentially more funny that Larry the Cable Guy or whatever his name is. I live in the south and most of us think Larry is a dipshit. David Cross is amazing.

  3. I worked security at an arena and got the chance to hang out with Larry for about 2 hours out back before his show … it was him his buddy and me … nicest guy ever and genuinely funny ..

  4. Im not the biggest fan of his comedy, but Dan is a by most accounts a pretty great person. Guy donated 5 million dollars to a children’s hospital, and have lots of friends in college that worked at lincoln restaurants that he would frequent and all said nothing but positive things. Kind of sad another comedian would spend the time on an open letter when there’s plenty of other people out there that are much more worthy of hating. Sounds like some bitter biscuits. At the end of the day it’s a character. Toby Maguire, not really spider man.

  5. Larry could pay David Cross to lick his ass clean after a hardy shit.

    Is Larry my favorite comic? NO. But Is David Cross? Wouldn’t even fucking know.

    Different parts of the country value different types of comedy from people you may think are “lesser” because they aren’t from fucking LA or NY.

  6. fuck you reddit, I like Nickle Back, I like larry the cable guy, and as we recently realized its also ok for me to like Guy Fieri. So this can be a way to re-hash some larry the cable guy hate, but there is a reason why Daniel Lawrence Whitney is one of the richest comedians ever, all while being relatively new. Hate em, but us rednecks like him and we are everywhere and come in all walks of life.

  7. I like how Larry the Cable Guy got mad at Cross for saying something that Greg Geraldo said directly to Larry’s face:

    > Some people say Larry’s only successful cause he’s pandering to the lowest common denominator and blatantly and non-ironically exploiting people’s racist and homophobic tendencies. Don’t listen to these people Larry, they’re just bitter and jealous and right.

    > Your fans can’t even afford cable. They’re not coming because they think you’re funny, they’re just, they’ve never seen a cable guy. You coulda come up with other characters your fans have never seen like Larry the Dentist or Larry the Librarian or Larry the High School Diploma.

  8. What’s up with all of the Larry the Cable guy fans here? I watched both parts of these a few weeks ago. I grew up watching the specials.

    His jokes aren’t great. It’s not a great character. Also, David Cross was called out in Larry’s book IIRC. Larry goes off about PC culture and libs and this in that in the book as well. He’s might donate or be kind of a decent dude. But that doesn’t prevent others from making slightly tongue in cheek essays about him.

    Larry being kind of a prick and also kind of a decent dude aren’t mutually exclusive.

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