Austin Powers Blackjack Scene

Austin Powers Blackjack Scene

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  1. Dealer was showing face, so you KNOW he’s gonna fuck you with a 20. Powers knew the next two card were gonna be face, as the last 3 cards were already bullshit smalls. I’ve played that hand before. Right call IMO.

  2. I went to the casino one time only and played the like community Black Jack where its all electronic screens on the floor but a dealer on the stage. We got 20 and had bet 75 dollars. I was so excited to finally win a hand I slammed the button, The wrong button. The dealer looked up right at my table with a “The fuck?” face. I was feeling like a idiot trying to laugh it off but really was just feeling dumb as hell. Dealer drew the card and flips it over and it was a Ace. I felt so wrong.

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