Beagle Sings and Plays the Piano

Beagle Sings and Plays the Piano

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  1. This new release was not conceived as an album with a cohesive vision; it is a collection of mostly recent material from the past few years, as well as a few tracks that date back to 1999.

    Inevitably, it is thematically disparate, with songs as different as Hear Tomorrow Singing (an ode to teachers) is from Carefree Suzhou (an ode to the Chinese city).

    Nevertheless, Sound Of Dawn is a collection of works written by Liang that demonstrates his range as a songwriter, who, apart from crafting social observations, can also compose evocative ballads such as Wish To Tell You. It was penned for the xinyao- themed TV series, Crescendo (2015), and ably performed by local singer A-do.

    Unusually, there is one song here which was not composed by him. He wrote the lyrics for Jacky Cheung’s 1999 hit, She Came To Listen To My Concert, while Huang Mingzhou penned the music.

    It is a poignant track about the relationship between a singer and his audience and how songs accompany one throughout one’s life. It was a special treat when Liang performed it at his long-overdue first solo concert in April last year.

    And now, people have it for posterity.

  2. This is fun as a video, but *fuck* living with someone else’s poorly trained beagle. Like sleeping in past 5am? Fuck you. Like having people walk past the house without fucking bloody murder piercing your eardrums every single time? Fuck you.

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