Cassini’s 20 year journey is ending tomorrow. By burning through Saturn’s atmosphere.

Cassini’s 20 year journey is ending tomorrow. By burning through Saturn’s atmosphere.

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  1. You know, it’s sort of amazing how as human beings we can so quickly hate and despise one another for arbitrary differences in appearance, attire, or minor cultural differences…

    And yet I can so instantly anthropomorphize what is essentially a computer built in 1997 in the space of a 6 minute long video, to the point where I become teary-eyed and feel like I’m watching the end of a Pixar movie.

    That’s really not meant to be a political statement, either. I just think it’s amazingly weird of us.

    By the end of that video I was like, “Farewell, brave explorer! You shall not be forgotten! ” like it was Magellan or someone being laid to rest. I was legitimately feeling proud for the accomplishments of device with the computing power somewhere around the level of a Playstation 2, if even that.

  2. There is a episode of ‘Arthur’ where Brain is excited that the Cassini space craft had launched. Then he gets all depressed that he’ll have to wait over 15 years for any data to come back. This makes me feel old.

  3. Annnnnnnd now I’m crying at work.

    It makes me think of the [XKCD comic]( about the Spirit rover.

    Something about robots “losing their lives” in the name of science and in pursuit of something that would have been unimaginable less than half a century ago makes me feel emotional feelings.

  4. There was a super awesome documentary on Cassini and his team last night on NOVA on PBS. Def check it out! The probe has been circling around Saturn in between the rings and the surface of the gas planet!

  5. So I didn’t fully read the title before watching the video here are some of my thoughts as they entered my head

    “Wow Saturn is really cool looking, I wonder what was the closest a person has ever gotten to Saturn… wait wtf am I thinking life isn’t sci-fi we have barely even gone to the moon… man we suck”

    “Wait that’s tomorrow! Oh noooooo!”

  6. It’s sad to see the mission end. If it ain’t vaporized it’ll be pretty cool for some species to find in 3.7bn years from now.

    I love that video, it makes me think of government propaganda running on loop in a shuttle port of a (actually good) Total Recall movie.

  7. Huh, it’s finally coming to an end.

    I had a professor in college who’s major life work was heading the imaging teams of Galileo and Cassini. He also discovered a couple of moons of Uranus. I wonder what he would have to say about the end of the grand Cassini project.

  8. I did a report on Cassini my Junior year of high school because of the “controversial” nature of its nuclear power. At the time not really caring about it, but have followed it since. Godspeed Cassini.

  9. They wanted to avoid Cassini colliding with any of Saturn’s moons because they might harbor the ingredients for life but that’s just based on our knowledge of life here on earth. What if Saturn has life the likes beyond which we can understand? Just saying. Either way that is an unbelievable feat getting Cassini out there! Congrats to all those that worked on it.

  10. I had no idea it was launched a day after I was born, thats pretty crazy. Definitely just had a weird moment when I saw “20 year journey” and thought “wow thats a long time,” and then saw the day it was launched and realized that I’ve been around for that long. crazy

  11. what exactly did Cassini contribute to knowledge about Saturn? The basic composition of the planet and rings was already known. What new information was learned due to this mission?

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