Chefs Review Kitchen Gadgets Vol. 1

Self twirling forks, a vegetable sharpener, a tea tool and a breakfast toaster. We reckon James and Ben’s heads might explode if they caught us using these BUT useless or not? You decide.

You can find the gadgets here:

Twirling Spaghetti Fork –
DOBO Sharpener, Peeler and Spiral Slicer –
The Tea Tool –
Smart Breakfast Master Toaster –

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Comment (29)

  1. The breakfast maker thingie doesn't seem too bad. It's small, so it takes less space, but it looks like it only does two things, so.

    Maybe if it could do more things it would be a find space saver.

  2. The all in one breakfast stations sold in the states typically include the coffee pot and a small toaster oven.  I could see it being useful if you are in a tiny dorm room with no kitchen available.

  3. i would actually buy yhe toaster. with 2 young kids and working full time, that would be so great for me to pop in bread, pop in the eggs and just leave it to cook while getting everyone dressed or while getting ready for work, instead of standing over the stove for 10 minutes. if probably eat breakfast more often lol. would also be great for kids to use!

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  5. I thought the chefs sounded a bit pompous. But after seeing the comment section I've decided that the comment section is pompous and a giant pathetic shitfest attempt at guilt tripping people.
    I don't think I want a social life.

  6. the tea tool is helpful……and so is the fork thing, as not everyone has the same mobility capabilities as others….so for disabled, elderly, and children it'd be quite useful.

  7. Gadget 1: I bought one for my grandma who had Parkinson's disease. It was hard for her to move her wrist to twirl spaghetti, but she could simply push a button and eat with the family without aid (which she would never accept due to embarrassment). Spaghetti was her favorite food, and that fork gave her a lot of dignity back.

    Gadget 2: Carrots suck. No.

    Gadget 3: Also good for arranging marshmallows on top of hot cupcakes to ice them. (And if you're a barbarian and make tea right after, you get sweet marshmallow tea). Don't judge me, I already know I'm worthless.

    Gadget 4: Dorm room savior.

  8. Oh for fucks sake just watch the video and have a laugh. No need to get butthurt over a comment. They may have said useless but they always follow up with useless or not you decide. Is it useless to you? Because all of it was useless to me.. Everything, EVERYTHING in life is relative to your personal life. A bald man is going to find shampoo to be useless but it's useful to me..

  9. I sincerely doubt the comments for things like the tea squeezer are for the disabled. No matter how abled you are or aren't, no one needs to squeeze their tea. And same with the combo breakfast gadget.

  10. The first gadget was silly, but you guys DO know that people whom "twirl" their spaghetti also use a spoon, right? Yet, you seemed to act like infomercial "fools" just to prove a point. No need to be over dramatic about it.

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