Chefs Review Kitchen Gadgets | Vol.6

It’s BACK for volume 6. Chefs review kitchen gadgets and boy are there some corkers for you coming up. You know the drill… useless or not? Decide!

You can find out more about the gadgets/ingredients we’ve reviewed in the links below. Just so you know, these are likely to be affiliate links, which means if you buy something from the store after clicking on them, the store will pay us a percentage of your basket… This doesn’t cost or change anything else for you!

Find the gadgets here:
Salad Bowl Cutter –
Measuring Jug Scales –
Party Time Popcorn Maker –

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Comment (23)

  1. Just had a thought about this segment… instead of trawling Amazon for new gadgets… how about some historical kitchen gadgets? Put them to the test and see if they’re ‘No great loss’ or ‘loss to life’… (older the gadget the better methinks!)

  2. I'm a Psychologist and I actually work with young people in the autistic spectrum in residential care. Added to their autism, they have very severe learning disabilities and most have other challenges such as cerebral palsy, Sturge-Weber Syndrome and other conditions which make their motor skills and grip suffer. I try to get them involved in a weekly cooking session and something like that salad bowl in different sizes would greatly help them for chopping just about anything if it were the right size.

  3. I have a popcorn maker — not that one, but another type. It's not bad, but not necessary. Super loud though. Also — I'd totally use the scale/measuring jug.

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