Chefs Review Kitchen Gadgets Vol.7

A colour changing egg timer, hands free can opener, self stirrer & metal soap. Are any of them actually going to be useful?? The chefs do a lot of actual cooking in this episode to really put the gadge to the test!

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Comment (30)

  1. I tried washing with a stainless metal spoon and surprisingly the garlic smell was gone from my hands. Better than soap which still leaves a faint smell after washing.

  2. 1) egg timer – I actually have 1 (LOL) because getting 3 boys ready for school always distracts me from checking on the time and I end up with overcooked eggs 🙁
    2) can opener – I actually personally prefer the REALLY old-style opener that works like a lever stabbing into the tin. But definitely useful for those who have dexterity issues.
    3) weird stirring thing – would potentially be useful if it actually stirred properly. Personally, I'd stand over the stove and stir 😀
    BUT my favourite…they have a FAKE SINK???!!!!!! 😀

  3. honestly as someone with chronic pain who loves a lot of recipes that require standing and stirring for ages, the stirr would be ace if it actually did its job. that's a real letdown.

  4. Hey guys…I'd love to see the chefs look at kids kitchen items that are for helping kids learn to cook. Like the gator grater. Much love from Australia

  5. I'm with Jamie on the egg timer. As a colorblind female, that would be useless for me. Eggs are def yummy. And another thing: that can opener is def a life saver for those with mobility and dexterity issues. Thank you Ben for remembering that there are those who may have mobility impairments. You are awesome

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