Chefs Review 'LIFE CHANGING' Kitchen Gadget

Yay! We finally found something James approves of!! Sous Vide is French for ‘under vacuum’ and is a method of cooking where food is placed in a sealed plastic pouch then put in a water bath to cook for a long period of time. Of course the chefs are going to love this one.

You can find out more about the gadgets/ingredients we’ve reviewed in the links below. Just so you know, these are likely to be affiliate links, which means if you buy something from the store after clicking on them, the store will pay us a percentage of your basket… This doesn’t cost or change anything else for you!

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Comment (20)

  1. We have the same machine. It has cooked the best chicken breast and steak I have ever had! It's a bit pricy and the bags are a bit wasteful (need silicon bags to be a bit cheaper). But definitely recommend it ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I actually have this. I've used it once. got it as a gift…. I WILL say that my brother in law and sister got it as well and use it ALL the time. definitely about preference.

  3. The great thing about sous vide is consistency. Yes, I would prefer to put my meat in the oven and cook it faster, but then I have to judge the time based on volume and on how long I've browned it in the skillet first. So, it's a bit of a chancy process, especially if you are not very experienced, which I'm not. Result? I bought a sous vide immersion heater.

  4. I have one of these and love it. Very surprised they didn't finish the chicken in a skillet or with a torch though as that's always been my experience with sous vide. Cook it perfect all the way through and then hit it with a ripping hot skillet to char just the outside.

  5. I'm allergic to fish ,shellfish, chicken, beef, lamb… But I would love to eat salmon if I could ๐Ÿ˜ข. I think I'm over the chicken/eggs…..see not all black people eat chicken .๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚.sorry for laughing at my own joke

  6. I really don't like the idea of cooking things in a plastic bag. even if it is BPA free doesn't mean that it is safe over long time.

  7. I have an Anova cooker and I absolutely love it. I use it all of the time. It the moment of writing this I am pasteurizing eggs, because I live in America an want to have Carbonara without the risk of death. Also, it makes a cheap cut of meat amazing.

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