Dave Chappelle explains LeBron’s position perfectly

Dave Chappelle explains LeBron’s position perfectly

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  1. Dave’s totally on point, but here’s what I don’t understand. Lebron has enough money that he could say “fuck you” to his corporate sponsors. He literally has fuck you money. Dude could keep playing basketball and keep living lifestyles of the rich and famous without even having those sponsorships. space jam could sell 0 tickets worldwide and he would still be mega rich.

    So while dave’s right and this is totally what happens, I still think lebron is a piece of shit.

  2. If Dave’s bit were to continue, then Martin Luther King would then actually have to decide *not* to speak out about black civil rights.

    That’s what everyone’s upset about. Lebron actually decided that he wanted to stand on the side of the suppressor.

  3. It’s even worse than this though, because it’s not that Lebron was being controversial and asked to tone it down, it’s that someone else said something and then Lebron shows up with the company line. Where are your fucking balls at dude, you can’t even just be quiet? You can’t even take a stand to be neutral? Fuck off. Make no mistake, Lebron James pulled some fucking bullshit here. I hope the backlash costs him money.

  4. I lo tof folks giving Lebron a bunch of excuses for his actions here. But look at it this way, all those excuses would have been valid in 1939.

    What would have happened if Lebron was huge in 1939, and the world listened to him?

  5. Dave Chappelle, did walk away from something like a USD50million TV deal. So if anyone is in a position to talk about walking away from money to do what one thinks is right, Dave Chapelle should be one of them

    Edit: words

  6. Don’t compare MLK to LeBron lol one faught for equal rights whilst the other adjusted his stance on equal rights to further his pockets. It’s easy to have a political stance when it’s the majority, but the second he was needed to stand on the right side of the argument, he backed down in threat of losing money from the Chinese demographic. It’s not difficult to see which side is right on the topic and the thing is; nothing will happen to LeBron for siding with China on this topic because his sponsors and everyone alike want that money as well. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. If you want to have a stance on equal rights and poverty issues, it better be global otherwise you look like a hypocrite that flip flops on the topic when it benefits you.

  7. I understand where LeBron is coming from, I just have zero respect for that position. The guy has done a lot for the northeast Ohio region. He’s always seemed to be a decent guy without any major scandals. The fact that he asked if Morey was going to be punished for his tweet though just makes him look bad. The NBA players, LBJ included, have had free reign to dump on Trump. To then ask if Morey would be punished for dumping on China, LBJ has made the players all look like hypocrites.

  8. I’m disappointed just how accurate this is. I’m more disappointed that LeBron can pick and choose like that. LeBron had the gumption to tweet “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” (I’m paraphrasing a bit, but that’s the gist)

  9. Except MLK didn’t cave and got killed for it. As opposed to Lebron, who would lose a couple of sponsors for supporting those people who are also looking for freedom.

  10. I don’t understand how it seems people are more upset with a basketball player than with the people (congress and the president) who can actually do something about the situation over there.

    And just because he gave his opinion on social issues that now obligates him to become a champion for human rights worldwide? Most people won’t even sacrifice the Chinese made products they buy everyday and are currently communicating on now but you expect a man to sacrifice possibly a billion dollars in business to appease a bunch of armchair activist? Y’all are trippin and most of these people don’t really give 2 shits about these Hong Kong protesters.


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