If we so rich…

If we so rich…

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  1. I never watched much of this show when it was on more, had no idea they liked to break the fourth wall so much. Someone should link the clip of Carlton running all around the set from a few days ago, because I’m too lazy.

  2. TVTropes excerpt:

    The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air broke the fourth wall on a number of occasions:

    * In the fourth season finale, Will’s character decides to move back to Philadelphia. In the 5th season premiere, he is forcibly abducted by network executives (the door on the van said NBC Star Retrieval, complete with the peacock logo), tossed in a van, driven back to Bel-Air, and the show returned as it was in a no-fourth-wall instance of the Reset Button. Why? Because the series is “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air”, not “The Fresh Prince of Philadelphia”. In the very next scene, Jazz asks who would be playing Vivian that season, to which an inexplicably 5-year-old Nicky tells him it’s the same person as the last season. When Jazz asks why Nicky is five now when he was a toddler in the previous episode, Will just shrugs, to which Jazz says he’s going back on the streets where things make sense.
    * In said fourth season finale, (“The Philadelphia Story”), Will decides to confront a bully named Omar. Will describes Omar as “the dude who be spinning me over his head in the opening credits”.
    * In one episode, after getting an 85 on a chemistry test by cheating on the person next to him, Carlton questions Will on whether he’s really gonna leave the viewers with that. Will proceeds to leave and re-greet Carlton, stating that while he failed the test, he learned his lesson about last-minute cramming and plans on going to the library right then to start making up. Will then smiles at the camera and walks away.
    * In one episode (“Will’s Misery”), Will was lured into a cabin by a sorority member, who was out to teach him a lesson. When she revealed that it was Carlton’s idea, Will convinced Carlton that he actually killed the girl, which caused Carlton to freak out. He then started to run through all the sets used for that episode and through the studio audience, to the laughter of many.
    * A throwaway gag at the beginning of one episode showed Will sitting on the couch reading as several family members walk in arguing over finances. Will’s uncle stops the argument saying “What are you all so worried about? We’re rich.” That settles things for everyone as they walk out of frame. Will waits until they’re gone, then looks at the camera and comments “If we’re so rich” — here he looks up, prompting the camera to pan up to a view of the studio lights — “how come we can’t afford no ceiling?”
    * Also, when lying to Carlton over the phone, Will turns to the camera and asks “I can’t see him. You can. Is he buying it?”
    * In an episode where Will gets jealous when Geoffrey dates a hot young British nanny, at the end when Geoffrey bows out and gives Will the nanny’s number, Will looks at the camera with a big grin and gives the audience a tongue-in-cheek speech about what he learned over the course of the episode.
    * One episode dealing with poetry ends with Will turning to the camera with a serious expression on his face and saying “If you’d like to learn more about poetry…nah, I’m just kidding. Good night!”
    * In one episode Will’s uncle is talking to him about something. It annoys him so he points the remote at him, presses a button, and his uncle disappears. Will then turns to the fourth wall and says something along the lines of “Ain’t that fly? Don’t you wish you lived on TV?”.
    * Will does a phony “chivalry” act with a friend of his who’s a standup, all to impress a girl. When the trick appears to have succeeded, Will shoots a knowing glance at the camera.


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