New Google Sites Gadgets Tour – Embed HTML, CSS, Javascript

The Google Sites team has released this to everyone now on all domains, the embed code feature, which allows you to insert custom code. HTML, CSS, Javascript allow for some fun widgets to be inserted like slideshows, accordions, pagination, social media, twitter, instagram, etc.

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Comment (24)

  1. I'm not a fan of the updated Google sites at the moment. When I get used it, maybe then. BUT I NEED HELP NOW! You used to be able to open an HTML dialog box and edit at will. Now I want to know how to insert HTML WITHOUT an iframe window that is visible on my site. I need to do site verification and can't figure out how to implant the code without the frame.

  2. This is great, have you figured out how to allow pop-ups on the site? I tried to embed the hellobar JS but I can't seem to add script code in the <head>.

  3. personally i think the new version blows, i like full html customization not this plug n play crap for noobs. its all well and good if you want something as a beginner but other than that its a joke.

  4. Hey Pal, thank you for this video. Can you please help me with an embedded search tab that helps me find info of the website using the keyword. That option is available on top right corner. However I need the same in middle of the page. Will u please help me as this will help me prosper in my carrier.

    Please drop an email to:

  5. Hey Kyle, any chance you can share how you code the directories/database section? I'm trying to accomplish something similar with data stored in Firebase Cloud Firestore, but if you're doing with Google Sheets that might be a much more simple approach. Thanks in advance, if you're willing!

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