Tesla Cybertruck driving down 405 freeway

Tesla Cybertruck driving down 405 freeway

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  1. As the video taker pulls back forward it looks like something is sticking up from the windows/windshield area that wasn’t there when the video started.

  2. Honestly, looked better than at the original reveal. Probably because it was dark and the reflections off the straight side panels game it a sleeker look.

  3. Not crazy about it but if you like it, cool with me.

    The funny thing is that the people who don’t like it are just mad that others do.

    There may be a Tesla “cult” but there’s also now a cult of butthurt people who are mad that others like something they don’t. Those people can fuck off.

  4. Im not saying it looks bad, I mean it deffinetly looks like its straight out of a video game but it looks like one of the starter vehicles you get for free at the begining of the game because its stats are meh.

  5. Are those lights asshole bright or just regular bright? It maybe looks like the default lights and seems pretty bright already. I wonder what the brights look like lol

  6. I love the design of this machine, it’s visually in line with what future concept art looked like in the 1950s and 80s. Looks like a truck Delorean. Now all that said, what’s the word on its safety in accidents? And I mean for both the occupants and other drivers.. that box doesn’t appear to be very crash-friendly.

  7. What a weird world we live in. A new truck drives down the freeway and warrants a video with almost 1 million views, and near 400 comments. It’s just a new truck guys, relax. You will see many more soon.

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