The Slip Girls. A Slipknot / Spice Girls mashup.

The Slip Girls. A Slipknot / Spice Girls mashup.

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Comment (37)

  1. > Can’t any of you guys in this generation come up with an original song. Why do y’all have to take our music and ruin it with crap like this. I love heavy metal I grew up listening to heavy metal and this is depressing I also like other forms of Music which is why I know this song and it’s sad to know that this generation of people doesn’t have enough brain to come up with their own stuff they got to borrow steal or whatever come on guys try originality give it a shot maybe your little brains of the millennial generation can come up with an original idea. The group sings well however I have real issues with people borrowing People’s music it’s like this generation is just too dumb to come up with some of its own either and has two dependent that’s the problem I just figured it out you have to depend on computers come up with your music try sitting down and writing a song

  2. At first,
    I was disappointed because I thought i was getting into a heavy metal slipknotesque
    girl band performing slipknots songs but when I watched it I actually quite pleased.

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed this.

    I’m unable to listen to slipknot as its tied to a lot of shitty teenage memories, this is a way for me to experience a bit of the slipknot feeling without the negative link to my past.

    9/10, would listen again.


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