Youtube has “restricted” VetRanch and DemolitionRanch, two popular channels run by a veterinarian who loves guns.

Youtube has “restricted” VetRanch and DemolitionRanch, two popular channels run by a veterinarian who loves guns.

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  1. Yup, definitely gotta censor this material to protect fragile young minds.

    Never mind all the clickbait almost-porn vids all over Youtube, or all those creepy ass videos disguised as children’s shows. This is the shit we need to focus on.

  2. They also restricted hickok45, one of if not the best firearms channels. His videos range from weapon reviews to firearms safety, and every single one of his ~1400 videos is restricted. The man’s so good at his job firearms manufacturers put his videos on their website, but he’s restricted.
    EDIT: I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but ForgottenWeapons is also restricted. For the uninformed, ForgottenWeapons is a channel where Ian talks about weapons you don’t really hear about anymore (Thompson T2, Mars Automatic, Lady’s Home Companion) and discusses the design, history, why they failed and such. Hickock45 and ForgottenWeapons are two of the patron saints of r/guns so this is awful news
    EDIT 2: As u/AR-47 pointed out, Military Arms Channel has also been restricted

  3. There seems to be a lot of misinformation here. Restricted mode is an opt-in feature aimed mostly at schools and libraries which have very real requirements about what they are allowed to expose children to through their computers (they used to just block YouTube entirely before). Overall, only about ~1.5% of views on YouTube come through people watching from restricted mode.

    Unfortunately due to the absolutely ridiculous amount of videos being uploaded (~65yrs of video per day), determining whether or not content should be viewable in restricted mode is done almost completely algorithmically.

    Although these algorithms are getting better all the time, they’re still *far* from perfect and the YouTube team has committed to improving them substantially. More context on it is available here:

    It’s important to state that a video being unavailable in restricted mode is completely tangential to the standing of a YouTube channel. Almost all channels will have some or many of their videos unavailable in this mode. Hopefully you’ll see less of that once the classifiers are improved.

  4. You misunderstand. The videos aren’t restricted, they aren’t viewable in restricted mode, which you must go out of your way to turn on. No one uses it. Seriously, try YouTube in restricted mode, hardly anything is viewable. Last I saw restricted mode counted for less than a percent of YouTube users.

    Not to say YouTube is perfect, because they’ll pull the ads on your videos without notice. Considering the current atmosphere, seems reasonable. They need to figure out a better way that doesn’t fuck with creators.

  5. Do any of the people upvoting this even realize what restricted actually means? It’s a completely opt-in feature used mostly by lower-grade schools to filter what content their students are allowed to see. It’s almost unused outside of that setting, and isn’t going to affect his channels beyond a few tiny percentage points. Fourth graders aren’t exactly a big demographic for either of his channels.

    I feel like a lot of people are confusing this with the ‘mature’ flag, where you have to log in, set your age over a certain threshold, then say you’re okay with mature content to view a video. They’re completely different, and getting your channel restricted does absolutely piss all unless your primary audience is children.

  6. Look: I get it, YouTube has done some stupid shit recently and definitely deserves their fair share of criticism. But recently it’s been getting incredibly frustrating to see people so quick to jump on the “youtube is over!!!1!111!1!!!!!!1!!1!” party without doing any research beforehand.

    Restricted mode is an opt in feature for YouTube used by 1.5% of its users **designed for schools, very very young children, libraries, public computers, etc** to very… **VERY** strongly filter out content that may not be acceptable to sensitive viewers (like 5 year old kids). In fact, this filter is borderline unusable because it filters out nearly FUCKIN EVERYTHING. A common scenario for restricted mode to be used is when a teacher is trying to show their students an educational Kurzgesagt video without having to worry about content like politics, sex, guns, etc. appearing on the sidebar. There isn’t anything wrong with those genres, and there *definitely* isn’t anything wrong with Matt – he is the most down to earth and genuinely nice guy I have ever seen on YouTube, but you would be crazy to think that having videos about guns or surgeries show up in a school setting is ok. It is why restricted mode exists.

    When you should really get your pitchforks out is if YouTube is demonetizing his videos and not allowing him to appeal, or perhaps falsely striking his videos down, or even deleting his channel – but that hasn’t happened. As far as I’m concerned, his videos are uploading perfectly fine, are being monetized perfectly fine, and are being shown to nearly the entirety of the YouTube platform without issue.

    * EDIT: added emphasis to how strong this filter is and how it’s only really used in educational settings. It’s also worth mentioning that “restricted mode” and “this video is age restricted” are [two completely different things.](

  7. Enable restricted mode and just about any parody, gaming, news, political, animation, unboxing, etc etc etc channel is totally gone. Restricted mode is essentially the same filter that determines what is suitable for the YouTube kids app and is enabled by an estimated 1.5% of users. It’s been a feature since 2015 but only now are people shitting themselves over it. Everyone claims censorship, everyone claims it’s their brand of content YouTube is trying to kill off, everyone has no idea wtf it really is. Don’t buy into the drama they create to garner more support.

  8. Before everyone gets worked up over this, restricted mode on Youtube is a completely optional feature that is disabled by default. Users have to actively go looking for the feature and enable it themselves.

  9. Too many people here are confused about what restricted mode is and that it isn’t the same as being demonetized or the video being removed from Youtube.

    Restricted mode is an optional opt-in feature that’s often enabled at libraries and schools. When browsing Youtube in restricted mode, any video which MIGHT not be child-friendly is blocked.

  10. I’m convinced people are dumb to the point that they walk into walls for entertainment. Restricted mode is entirely opt-in, it’s not even compleat yet according to google. But fuck that lest freak out over shit that has no effect on anything…

  11. Having your videos restricted only changes things if your viewers use restricted mode… It has nothing to do with shutting you down or demonetizing videos.

    If you have restricted mode on, you wont see videos that youtube has restricted. It’s nothing more than a Parental Control honestly. People have been complaining about this for weeks but in the end nothing really changes. Restricted Mode isn’t Automatically on either, you have to manually turn it on.

  12. I feel like this is a bit misleading.

    Schools/libraries are the target for Restricted mode. Schools use Restricted mode to allow students to search for informational videos.

    Bad parents who use YouTube as a babysitter can also use the mode too. It filters videos what the algorithm considers informative/suitable for young kids.

    I believe his videos fall under the restrictions by the former. His videos are shot like entertainment. Loud music lots of cuts, etc.

    These decisions are made by machines. Restricted mode is not perfect by any means. However, YouTube won’t up and delete it. Sysadmins in school districts really like the feature. While not perfect, it’s a solution better than blocking the site outright or a free for all of the random shit on YT.

    Should YT restrict DemolitionRanch? Probably. Guns are pretty cool and videos of them may distract students. It’s also very much an entertainment channel. VetRanch? Probably not. These algorithms are very complex, but can’t make decisions perfectly.

    I doubt YT blocks based on associated channels.

  13. **[Here’s the help page on restricted mode:](**

    Check it out, there seem to be some misunderstandings about what restricted mode means.

    It appears to be opt-in, meaning users have to enable restricted mode on an account AND be logged in. It’s also different from age restricted content, which requires being logged in to see.

    So unless you have restricted mode enabled, this wouldn’t cause any difference to viewers. The page linked above also says that restricted mode videos *can* be monetized.

  14. Holy shit the dumbasses are out in force tonight.

    Restricted is simply a tag that allows parents and schools who have parental controls turned on to block content they deem not suitable for their children and it’s completely opt in. You aren’t restricted from these videos until you tell Google that you want to be restricted from these videos.

    The videos are still there. They are still monetized. There is no agenda here. This tag is being applied to things from video games to certain lgbtq channels to firearms and everything in between.

    Calm. Yo. Tits.


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