Avocado Paratha Recipe – Guacamole Parathas

Detailed Recipe:
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Enjoy this power & protein packed paratha with a gorgeous green color. The creaminess of the Avocado in the paratha is keeps the paratha soft and give them that wonderful buttery texture and flavor. These are great for journeys and to make-ahead and save for later.

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Comment (31)

  1. I am definitely going to do this. However, I am a single person and don't want to waste food. So other than halving the ingredients is it best to freeze some of the dough for later or cook them first then store them in the fridge? Also can i use wholemeal flour instead od the chipati flour?, or even spelt?Great video and thankx

  2. Hey ladies, that was super amazing and inspiring to watch, I am definitely going to try it, as well as your quinoa paulo recipe, you're healthily creative in the kitchen and am so glad I found your channel. And your energy together is beautiful, you're so in sinc with one another, beautiful to watch😍

    Can I substitute the chibati flour with coconut flour? Am trying to stay glutin free. Thanks in advance for your advice.

  3. Never thought avocado and parathas before! Thanks to share this, I will definitely give it a try. I like the way you two together explain steps, ingredients, and other tips in all your videos.

  4. I made the avacado paratha, together with your roast aubergine recipe …….. Absolutly devine, where have you ladies been all my life 🙂 Thank you for this wonderful recipe, I'll make it for my Mum she will love it

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