Gordon Ramsay's Soup Recipes | Part One

Here are some great soup recipes for you to try. Whether you want a roasted tomato soup or fancy something with a bit of a kick, like a spicy clam noodle soup – we’ve got you covered.

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Comment (34)

  1. Welsh Rarebit, a staple of US cafés of the 50's, has all but vanished from menus. Really a damn pity.

    I have no doubt Gordon's is more faithful to the original, but regionally, we always preferred simple sharp cheddar and maybe an extra dash of Worcestershire sauce. Our cheese sauce was just a wee bit more runny. That's not uncommon and I continue to make it that way.

    The ol' wives tale about Welsh Rarebit (if you don't already know) is that it caused really vivid and often unsettling dreams — even nightmares. There was a whole episode of Gomer Pyle that played off that ("Gomer: the Welsh Rarebit Fiend").

  2. As a young girl my father was usually in the kitchen and for the longest time my dad looked up to you he would try to follow your recipes and he he was really good at it he wanted to go to culinary school and he wanted to be somewhat like you and now I'm watching you and I want to be just like you you inspire me so much I couldn't tell you how much I care in words because it's hard right now, I hope to be like you one day Gordon

  3. I enjoy the recipes, and watching Gordon's technique is so helpful. What I'm particularly enjoying (and a little bit jealous of) is all the crockery he's got at his disposal. Beautiful aesthetic, along with outstanding functionality. If I only had the shelf space….

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