The Verge’s favorite gadgets from 2018

We’ve reviewed a lot of tech gadgets in 2018 – it’s been quite a busy year. So for our end of the year roundup, we asked The Verge team to tell us what their favorite gadget was this year and why. These aren’t the best gadgets of the year, they’re just our favorites.

Read more about our favorite tech here:

Here are some links to the products you saw in the video:

PokeBall Plus:
Apple Watch Series 4:
My special Aflac duck:
Google Home Hub:
Sony α7 III camera:
Sony 1000XM3 headphones:


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Comment (46)

  1. I want you to know technology entertainment made e commerce happen so all three industries are at fault really sears and kmart JCP are trying to be what they are traditional companies refusing to cave to e commerce technology entertainment and picky people's hate and crazy ideas

  2. My 1000xm3 can't be charged with any usb-c charger, which is almost more frustrating than having a different port. My laptop charger won't charge them, my phone charger won't charge them, only my iPad charger can charge them for some reason.

  3. I underestimated how much I would like the Google Home Hub. I do wish the speaker was more comparable in quality to the original Google Home, but the photos of my family (and recently passed dog) make my heart swell. It really is amazing how they look like printed photos in a frame, and your clip in the video is the first I have seen with an actual comparison (thanks for that). I bought 2 more of these at the $99 Black Friday sale price.

  4. Oh! Come. ON!! This is favorite gadgets of 2018 vid. A whole year! It would have been nicer to have a lot more content with a lot more people.

  5. I got myself the Sony 1000xm3 headphones but they actually hurt the top of my head when I wear them for long enough, it seems that no one talks about that!

  6. I remembered that duck and the video about it that you guys make. The video was very heartwarming and touching. Most of all, it gives me hope, that through all these stuffs happening this year that feels just invested to make money, little stuffs like this still happens.

  7. My least favorite gadget that came out in 2018 was definitely the RED hydrogen 1. Those guys were stupid to release a phone that only had features nobody wanted.

  8. I had a very difficult time watching the video, in fact I didn't even finish watching because the lighting was so low. I couldn't see the products. Please make these videos lighter. Thank you in advance.

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