Cooking session with classic movie stars !

How to learn cooking through scenes from classic movies, in a funny way. The scenes are taken from the following films: The Philadelphia Story; Sabrina; Woman of the Year; Adam’s Rib; Christmas in Connecticut; Pat and Mike; The Apartment; It Happened One Night; Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf; and extracts from a 1935 ad for a dishwasher, featuring Bette Davis.

So if you wish to learn or improve your cooking skills, follow the 6 steps along with: Katharine Hepburn, Barbara Stanwyck, Spencer Tracy, Audrey Hepburn, Clark Gable, Jack Lemmon, Elizabeth Taylor and Bette Davis !

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Note: the song I’ve used is “Cooking Breakfast for the One I Love”, sung by Libby Holman at the beginning, and the version performed by Fanny Brice at the end.

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Comment (28)

  1. Love It Love it Love it! Particularly Audrey cracking eggs and S Z Zakal and Barb Stanwyk flipping pancakes, if only we had movies like this today with real people, a little old a little overweight and no botox and real humour. Come back old Hollywood!

  2. Love it love it love it, honestly nothing has changed, my boyfriend doesn't know how to boil water let alone which end of a can opener to hold. Mother taught him best you know Gen Y

  3. so cute! i loved at 6 minutes from woman of the year and she gives up and in the next slide you say don't worry and just keep practicing and stuff…yeah that part was really cute.

  4. 🙂 I'm not a great cook either, but when I saw Katharine Hepburn's disastrous encounter with the kitchen, I felt somewhat reassured, saying to myself that my case wasn't so hopeless after all ^^ thanks for your comment, I'm always glad to receive your feedback.

  5. Merci ! Oui, c'est plutôt amusant. Je voulais faire un montage où je puisse intégrer la scène de "Woman of the Year" dans laquelle Katharine Hepburn essaie de préparer un petit déj', alors qu'elle ne sait visiblement même pas ce qu'est un grille-pain ! ^^

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