Croque Monsieur – You Suck at Cooking (episode 131)

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The Croque Monsieur (not to be confused with the Croak Monsieur, the Croquet Monsieur, the Crockpot Monsieur, or the Crackpot Monsieur) is a sandwich that tastes good.



It’s in the video. But if you really think I should write it out, give me three reasons why in the comments and I will probably write it out even if you don’t.


Okay here we go. Get some bread. White bread, green brad, artisan bread, crackers, I don’t care.

Now make some béchamel sauce.
1.5 tablespoons of butter on low heat in a sauce pan
1.5 tablespoons of flour whiskjangled slowly into the same pan until it’s smooth and bubbly for a couple minutes
Slowly add a cup of milk and go through the 5 Stages of Béchamel Hell.
I hear if you warm the milk up it works better but who has time for that? Not you. You’re already warming the milk up anyway
Add some salt, pepper, and nutmeg…don’t go buck wild with the nutmeg or you’ll get all nutted out
Cook it until it’s a bit thick then take it off the heat
SURPRISE you made way too much béchamel for one sandwich
Grated gruyere
Grated gruyere
béchamel on the bread ceiling
béchamel on the bread roof
Grated gruyere

But like flip that list upside down if you want it to correspond to gravity.
Also many recipes have one less layer of béchamel but we didn’t come here to fuck around
Put in in the undoh for a few minutes or just put it straight on broil for a couple minutes.
Don’t take your eye off it when it’s on broil! If you go on your phone for even one second the sandwich will be burnt to a crisp

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Comment (30)

  1. omg I love your videos so much!! 😀 nice recipes with absolute WTF stuff so I keep being entertained throughout the whole video. I'll be trying this sandwich, looks so delicious!

  2. Made it recently. A little too rich and savory, needs some sort of acidity. Maybe using Sauce Aurore for the filling would work for that. Either that or serving with tomato soup would also help

  3. I tried making this with the recipe in the description but it came out watered down and had the consistency of water. In the video you put 1/4 of a cup of flour in with butter and also added 1 total cup of milk. Do you have any suggestions?

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