Ellen and Nicole Kidman Try to Learn Cooking Skills from Giada De Laurentiis

The celebrity chef brought some of her favorite recipes to teach Ellen and Nicole… at least that was the plan.

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Comment (47)

  1. if I get in on the kitchen everybody is good to be big on week, I know how to cook, I Love o cook and I have a big talent in the kitchen and I cook very fancy I need to star to do something an internet thank you and have a nice day I Love to cook but in a big kitchen I can cook any Kind of food everybody eath my food want me to open a restaurant is my dream but it is no money I want to work for people u have a money but to pay Good money because I can cook

  2. I used to like Giada…but I noticed that for some reason, she changed and not in a good way, other than that, she REALLY tried to make food look always good, but idk about the taste

  3. If you’ve ever watched her show, giada treats her own guests the same way. One time her aunt or some family member from Italy came on and gave giada a taste of her own medicine, it was hilarious.

  4. about the orange thing the chefs orang peal was already falling so she took it off one slice. I really don’t see the shade in this video the chef actually looked so nervous omg what’s wrong with you people

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