Food waste: How much food do supermarkets throw away? (CBC Marketplace)

David Common goes dumpster-diving at Walmart to reveal how big grocery stores throw good food into dumpsters, part of a $31 billion a year problem in Canada.
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Comment (49)

  1. I used to work at Walmart and I gave the trash to homeless people honestly I took it cooked it and gave those poor homeless vet a nice meal even expired food is just as good it’s just a label (only dairy is bad so I didn’t have them dairy)

  2. they do not gave away because people have two faces, for now they want for free, if they get sick they will also sue walmart for this. thats to prevent law suit they dump it

  3. Ok I agree and disagree not all food thrown out is bad but some food is inevitable and to be honest 1 shopping cart really that's not bad. Also king soopers tries to be 0 waste but guess what it's about the same amount of food thrown out and if you want to eat it good luck you'll get sick eventually maybe not on the first apple but on something later down the line maybe get a tape worm or something fatal. Watch what you eat people food poisoning is a thing and it kills store try to prevent food poisoning

  4. I am a former Walmart associate I worked graveyard and was in charge of claims which is what this is called and there were a few times where I had two or three carts full of quote-unquote garbage food. If produce has left the produce area it has to be thrown away because there might have been some contamination meat is pretty much the same way and dairy and Frozen because you don't know how long it's been out of the coolers and more than 15 minutes is against the law.

  5. Even God is against food waste and it is biblical. More people need to read the story of Ruth. God commanded Israel in the Torah that any food grown whether it was grains like wheat or fruit from trees like olives, grapes, etc that fell to the ground was not the be gathered by the farmer and his harvesters but left for the poor, the widow and the foreignor to gather so they could eat as well. It is called gleaning.

  6. Maybe .01% of the food I buy goes to waste. I am too poor waste food, Plus I buy mostly things that don't' go bad. The only time is if I mess i up while cooking (burnt or forget about it and it is left soaking too long and gets mushy. the burnt one has not happened in years and the mushy one happens once every few months a most).

    At the age of about 8 or 9 I use to go dumpster diving to help feed myself and my family so I have known all of this for years (decades being that was back in the 90's). That was around the time they started liking up the trash and using compactors (once got two third full huge bags of McDonald's burgers out of a compactor before they compacted that week. itfed thefally for like a week or Two. Sadly Not long after that they started locking he compactor door).

  7. This has been happening across the world for decades.
    26 years ago when I was 8 years old I discovered that there was heaps of food/ fresh produce thrown way to my local supermarket (in Australia).
    I had 10 chickens and 24 guinea pigs as pets at the time so I used to collect the suitable fresh produce to feed my pets.
    When I showed my mum how I fed my pets so well she was amazed and disgusted, she couldn't believe how much waste there was. So we started to collect extra and dropped it off to a few local animal shelters, especially the shelter's with livestock. The shelters loved it, they would let me and my brother feed the animals and it made for a great childhood experience.
    We just couldn't let all the produce go to waste.

  8. They make a documentary about how terrible food waste is.
    Then they proceed to throw away nice, hand-picked produce at a grocery store.
    As if we didn't get their point.
    And as if that wasn't hypocritical of them to do so.
    I totally sympathize with all those uncomfortable shoppers who didn't really know what they were getting into when they said yes to an interview for a story about REDUCING food waste.

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