How to cook eggs on a stainless steel pan #cooking #cookinghack #eggs

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  1. It's the leidenfrost effect. The water is instantly boiling, creating a vapor barrier causing the water to literally float on the pan. Surface tension holds the water in little beads.

    This is also why you're better off having bare skin if you're going to come in contact with something like liquid nitrogen. It's strictly due to the extreme difference in temperature.

  2. For decades, my Friday's always stuck to the bottom of the frying pan. Then I saw a video similar to this, and by waiting until the pan is hot enough, and then putting in butter, the last six months I've had perfect slide around the pan over easy eggs. It's wonderful! Thank you for getting the word out to more people!

  3. Iadd oil….. Seriously? Is this a video to teach your two-year-old? Maybe move on to teaching someone how to boil water. I know you have to put up content but content does not have to be ridiculous. Like this.

  4. Why would you waste your time with those horrible steel pans that are impossible to clean when we have amazing ceramic and Teflon technology now

  5. I won’t say if this is true or not, im going to say it isn’t. To keep food from sticking just use oil, butter or grease. It’s how we keep everything else from sticking

  6. I find it quite ironic that this "myth busting" video is in and of itself a myth….you do not need to get the pan that hot if you use that much oil.

  7. I stick to my cast iron, good for everything including keeping a thief out of the house. Now if you want to challenge yourself, scramble eggs in the microwave, and make a cake of corn bread over an open fire.

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