Inside The Burger Vending Machine – Stop Motion Cooking

Hello I’m tomosteen.
This video is about Mr. Bone making miniature burgers.
All ingredients used are real ingredients, but the cooking process is fictional.
A Bones Burger vending machine may be just around the corner from you.
Thanks for watching my video.
Stay tuned for my next video!

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Comment (41)

  1. It is just the Mc Donalds logo with a bar attached to it. And at the second machine the „a”from coca is replaced with „o”. And that coin „G” what is the entire word?

  2. As good as this is, the fact that he didn’t wash his hands after handling the beef is a pet peeve. Do you want cross-contamination and sick customers? Because that’s how you get cross-contamination and sick customers.

  3. Love the stop motion!
    The chop to the burger bun reminded me of the Samurai Sandwich maker John Belushi played from Saturday Night Live back in the '70s.

    The only thing kind of disturbing to me is Bone doesn't have legs. I know that's because it's easier for stop motion to not have them.
    Keep up the amazing work!

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