Let Me Explain What Happened (WHILE COOKING)

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Comment (38)

  1. First shot I just had a sore arm, second shot I was fine the first day, then the next several days after had a super fever and didn't wanna live lol

  2. Looks good. So sad here, my man can only make cup noodle. 😭
    Thanks for being you, bringing us happiness and all. I just love the positive but cringy you.

  3. If u didnt like the tomato souce you can just buy different one. They can taste quite different.
    And i ate baked pasta offen, but one thing is for shure… u could use less garlic, use some meat in pasta, and u make cream souce with cooking cream. U just add it into souce while cooking. But spagetti still looked fine! Hope u had fun time while cooking, thats important xD

  4. I liked this novel cooking stream 😀 glad to hear you recovered from that massive SHOT. The sugar on sauce is funny. I also used to believe it reduced the acidity in sauce, but then a few scientists over here decided to make a youtube video on how it doesn't really do that, it just makes it… Sweeter!
    The bad thing about this kind of common knowledge is that it seems 1 blog makes a post about it and everyone copies without confirming. I mean, a bit of sugar doesn't really hurt, does it?
    Cheers 😀

  5. Dude I just witnessed something like that 3hrs ago.
    It waked me up at 3:33 am, at the beginning it started with shivering I knew imedeatly something was wrong.
    It continued for a few minutes then it got a lot worse I was getting so hot, I was super thirsty so I stood up and went to the refrigerator and grabbed a cold bottle of water, and I almost wanted to chug it but then I used a glass and drank it.
    Then I was feeling like throwing up but I could hold it because I really didn't want to throw up.
    OK so a few minutes later I got so dizzy like I was about to black out I was with my little brother alone at home, but I didn't wanted to wake him up so i kept fighting I was leaning against the wall but it didn't got better, so I sat down and kept fighting then I went to the toilet after that it got better I don't know what it was, maybe it was covid I have to make a test.

    Ya sorry for the long story but I had to tell it because it was super weird and coincidentally this video gets recommended to me sometimes the YouTube algorithm is creepy.

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