Light and Creamy Cheesecake Recipe

My creamy, fluffy, easy cheesecake recipe is perfectly sweet with a light and delicate texture, all wrapped in a crunchy Graham cracker and toasted pecan crust. Getting the perfect no crack bake is easier than you think and the end result is so beautiful it almost doesn’t need any topping!

Full Recipe:


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Comment (29)

  1. 35 years ago during our baking class, we were taught to place the cheesecake in a water bath w/ a tight tin foil base around the spring form pan. For some reason I never questioned this procedure thinking that was the method expressed by our baking instructor at that time. I noticed you didn’t use the bath method. Your finished product looks perfectly done. So now I’m wondering if I wasn’t wasting those years using the bathing method. I’m not a baker, just a commercial retired chef w/ ccfcc. Great videos and presentations. Bravo! Thank you ☺️

  2. Recipe: graham crackers (or any other cookie): 16-18 less if you want less crust. 2. Pecan toasted, 1 cup toasted pecan, 1 quarter cup granulated sugar, after mixing add drizzle melted butter 5 tablespoons.. try the mixture if you can push into a small ball thats about right.. use cup or tall glass to move the biscuit towards edges..this will go for ten minutes in oven (177)… for filling: 21/2 ounces of cream cheese.. 36 oz.. room temperatured.. add 1 and 3/4 sugar cups… mix and then add half teaspoon of salt… then after mixing 3/4 cup of sour cream (180g) + 2 teaspoon of vanilla extract.. mix.. sprinkle in some flour 3 tablespoons (add gradually).. scrape the bowl each time you mix.. 5 large eggs, 2 yolks… mix mix.. pour into prepared crust… fill up pretty high.. bake in baking sheet (177) for ten then 149 40 minutes top with whatever you want.. enjoy

  3. I tried this. It's good but too sweet… and my southern Carolina sweet tea lovin self LOVES sugar.
    This is like ice cream but with 1/2 cup more sugar per bowl full. You can't even taste the tartness in the cream cheese and that's what i want to taste. Next time I make it, I will scale the sugar back by a 1/2 cup. Recipe is a keeper tho.

  4. I found you on accident yesterday in my recommended section, saw your Tres Leches recipie and thought "this guy gets it" (I'm Mexican – your recipie was legit). Saw your angel food cake vid today and frigging made it. It's AWESOME.

    This cheesecake is next. So glad your vids found your way to my recommended!

  5. Every time i watch your videos, it feels like you have such a great personality !! Keep making those yummy recipes 😋 hello from France 🇫🇷

  6. Thanks for sharing your recipe this looks absolutely delicious and very easy. I'm going to make whip this up this weekend but Im going to use artificial sugar in my batter.

  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I made this cheesecake over the weekend for my niece (she turned 18 and cheesecake is her favorite!) and it was a huge hit! Everyone one loved it! I now have a request from her to make it for her graduation party and her sister (also a cheesecake fan) wants this to be her and her soon to be husbands wedding cake! I used this same recipe and divided it up into 6 of the Wilton 4” springform pans, baked it at the 300 for 40 mins. They did crack some, so I have to work on that but they were delicious also! I’ve been looking for an amazing cheesecake recipe and you delivered! Thank you!!!

  8. I am in Northern Italy's quarantined red zone for Coronavirus. We can't go anywhere or do much of anything. This channel has been a lifesaver! I love it so much. But I am progressively getting fatter from all my cake making :-))

  9. This recipe is very good, thanks for the video.

    I hope you come for a visit on my channel. in it I speak of recitations.

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    my videos are in portuguese, but in the descriptions it is translated into your wonderful language. big kiss on the heart.

  10. My grandma used to bake a cheesecake for my birthday… As years went by she she did another that was easier or bought something to eat with the 5pm coffee, and this was because she was getting weaker andand weaker… now that she's gone, I'll miss her cheesecake so much… I didn't mean for this to be sad but… Yeah, cheesecake is my fave cake of all time! Great recipe!

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