Make Beautiful Sourdough With Claire Saffitz | Try This at Home | NYT Cooking

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Claire Saffitz is back for another round of Try This at Home, a series where she guides you through different baking projects and techniques. Today’s lesson is on sourdough bread. You’ll need to find a starter, invest in some essential equipment, and set aside three days, but the end result — gorgeous sourdough loaves like the ones you may have seen on social media — is totally worth it.

0:00 – 0:47: Intro
0:47 – 1:27: What is sourdough?
1:27 – 3:41: Starter talk
3:41 – 5:15: Autolyse
5:15 – 8:31: Incorporate the starter
8:31 – 10:38: Mix the dough
10:38 – 12:54: Fold the dough
12:54 – 16:37: Shape the loaves
16:37 – 17:35: Proofing
17:35 – 20:48: Bake
20:48 – END: Eat!




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All the food that’s fit to eat (yes, it’s an official New York Times production).

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Comment (35)

  1. Been making sourdough for almost a year, every week, couple times a week and I still learned lots from watching. My bread has been good and now I’m looking forward to taking it to the next level. Thanks for a great video Claire!

  2. I feel so grateful… When you are a beginner but yet tried many times, you really appreciate someone to tell you why and how, and then you can compare "oh I'm doing this fine" or "hey, that's why it doesn't bla bla bla"
    So good Information. THANKS

  3. I feel the need to thank you for your effort to give people the joy to create something so beautiful with three ingredients: flour, water and salt. I have put my dough to the fridge an I am waiting. It was my first time and it felt like I have done this ten times or more because everything was clear thanks to you! Thanks Claire for the nice Sunday!

  4. Have tried many sourdough recipes and decide to try this one but the loaf was so lively it spread all over the basket while resting in the fridge overnight. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why it did this and how I can avoid it next time. I followed everything to the letter.

  5. I SAY…that wheat & grain crap is terrible for your gut health –
    switch to almond flour non-Lectin flours–
    most 'chefs' are clueless…
    never eat out..
    cook at home.
    sorry pal.

  6. I found this to be one of the best videos on youtube for a down-to-earth step-by-step process of creating a loaf of sourdough… Claire's truthfulness has me feeling half human again and possibly reduced my swearing in the kitchen 🗣 … So far with the hours of video research, plus the work hours I've given up, I reckon my first loaf has cost me about $545… 🤦🏻‍♂️ but I'm now focused on getting some good dividends soon. Thanks Claire 👍

  7. Okay, two things.
    From my own experience, autolyse doesn't really do anything, when working with a sourdough. Autolyse helps create gluten over time, but since sourdough is such a slow fermentation compared to commercial yeast, you are going to develop that gluten, without doing autolyse.

    Secondly, important to remember is that the sourdough starter also affects the hydration. That is, if you are using 1000 gram of flour and 700 ml of water, your dough will not be 70% hydration, unless your starter is also 70% hydration. Starters are often made as 100% hydration (equal amounts of flour and water by weight), which will make the before-mentioned example higher hydration than 70% – this will obviously have a bigger effect the more starter you are going to use.

    Here's an example with with 1000 gram flour, with 20% (100% hydration) starter added that will end up being 70% hydration.

    1000 gram flour
    200 gram sourdough starter
    660 ml (or gram) water
    22 gram salt (for 2% of total flour weight)

  8. This is the best video for sourdough newbies! Concise and thorough in the video and recipe (in the link) ! I finally have the coveted holes in my sourdough (personal preference) thank you so much for doing a great job😋

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