Here’s an Email between Tony Podesta (Brother of Clinton’s Campaign Manager John Podesta) and Marina Abramovic In it, they invite Clinton’s Campaign Manager John Podesta to a “Spirit Cooking” dinner that’s happening at Tony’s house.

Looking up the woman, gets you her webpage and a graphical book she created about “Spirit Cooking” and what rituals it involves.

And a youtube link on what “Spirit Cooking” actually is, by Marina Abramovic.

And in three links you’re now traumatized. Realizing what they actually invited her over to do

Wikileaks Email

“Spirit Cooking” Guidebook

“Spirit Cooking” Video

About The Author

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Comment (55)

  1. If anyone really has eyes to see they will see through this and recognize the specific ritual things happening here. This isn't art people just wanna slap that label on it so nobody questions it. This is filled with nothing but death and things that have to do with the demonic. And yet everyone is fine with it she's expressing herself right and nobodies getting hurt so its fine. But what message is this sending??? No value of human life in this so called "art".

  2. Ok honestly, is there anyone that comprehends art? It's a provocation, it's made like that on purpose to make people talk and reconsider humanity. Art it's not always paintings with flowers and nice rivers, something its raw and shocking. Honestly, I think it's beautiful.

  3. Oh this is absolutely stunning. This lady has more talent in her big toe than DaVinci had. Such command of her craft. Beautiful! Is what a fucking wack job says at this complete garbage. This bitch along with anyone calling this shit art needs to be in contact with mental health professionals immediately

  4. It is a satanic ritual indeed.. Marina is a sick lady. Shez using shit things in the name of modern art… shez teaching people to cut the left hand and eat the pain WTF….

  5. She is not an artist. This is not art or anything she's claimed to be as art. It's all satanic and illuminati inspired. Not to mention the sex trafficking pedo ring she's involved in along with Clinton's, Jay Z, Lady Gaga to name from a long list of celebrities and political figures worldwide. Vile and disgusting.

  6. Whoever thinks this is Art is sick as fuck. Art is something eye pleasing, beautiful and graceful not messing around with satanic bullshit. And for all the people who don’t know what she’s painting the walls with.. this is a mixture of blood, sperm and breastmilk. So if you want to tell me that you consider this as „Art“ think again.

  7. Regardless of any conspiracy bullshit, this woman displays obscene levels of unconsciousness by using another creatures life essence for an art project. What a disrespect for life at large.

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