Part 15: Food: How Healthy Was Medieval Food?

It can be hard to stick to a diet in modern times when eating out. It was much the same for a medieval knight, so when he was dining in his own household his personal physician would work with his cook to keep their master in peak condition. In this episode, Jason and food historian Chris Carr discuss the medieval understanding of nutrition and how it affected the knight’s diet, as well as the influence of spices and how they defined one’s social standing.

• Executive Producer: Jason Kingsley OBE
• Executive Producer: Chris Kingsley
• Senior Producer: Brian Jenkins
• Producer: Edward Linley
• Director: Dominic Read
• Presenter: Jason Kingsley OBE
• Subject Matter Expert: Chris Carr
• Camera: Jo Taylor
• Camera: Dominic Read
• Editing: Lindsey Studholme
• Stills Photographer: Kasumi
• Production Manager: Kevin Case
• Audio: Frank Newman
• Sound Design: Liam Flannigan
• Music licensed from PremiumBeat
• Additional Camera: Darren Cook
• Additional Camera: Neil Phillips
• Additional Sound: Elizabeth Carlyon

Special Thanks:

• Chris Payton
• Ed Savage

Twitter: @ModernHistoryTV

Many thanks to Chris Carr – check out

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Comment (34)

  1. My French teacher had me research into the transition between the strong castles and the fancier renaissance castles in France. I found a bunch of cool things about food and etiquette and such! One fact is that the French royals considered food close to the earth as the peasant food so they’d eat the food that didn’t touch the ground such as fish, poultry, tree fruits, etc. Peasants may have eaten healthier bc they actually ate veggies haha! Also, I can’t find the time period (maybe 14th century?), but French nobility had a very complicated seating hierarchy tied to social class with different ranks of chairs from thrones and armchairs at the high table all the way down to folding chairs and stools at the long tables.

  2. All this has shown me is that you can eat perfectly healthy and still die in your 40s.. the real reason we are living longer is our advancements in medicine..

  3. British got all the civilization because of India… food culture anything… Talk about the words of Oxford dictionary.. achar, manuscript (came from the word MANUSMRITI) pajama, paratha,raaj.. only LOOT is the word coming from English language… Thanks

  4. and now consider that we the plebs, just as they gave the victorians celluloid products to pretend they were rich (ivory fakes), we too have been given the consumer-illusion, that we too are like the nobles. eating sugar and tea, refined breads. meanwhile, now the rich are eating whole grains and hand made breads etc. so funny how things change. so depressing. ive watched this video many a time now. thanks as always.

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