Psychotic identical ‘highway’ twins run into Britain’s busiest motorway | 60 Minutes Australia

Psychotic identical ‘highway’ twins run into Britain’s busiest motorway | 60 Minutes Australia

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  1. She only received 5 years for murdering someone? How can the courts deem her fit to re-enter society if they don’t even know what condition she is suffering from?

  2. Frankly, if you suffer from some sort of mental condition that doctors can’t figure out, and it makes you pull shit like this, you should stay in a high-security mental institution UNTIL the doctors figure out a treatment plan that 100% works.

    And until that time, you stay out of public. You don’t get to be a threat to anyone else. The law-abiding, sane public don’t need to deal with that shit.

  3. yoooooo.

    Time travellers, who can pass their consciousness back in time into host bodies. The host bodies all look really similar, so no two are allowed to meet. If they do, an automatic failsafe engages in which one or both of the bodies will try to end their conscious stream, thus sending the consciousness back into the original, present day body.

    These guys were either time agents or time tourists, who tried to bend the park rules. But the failsafe kicked in.

    *takes another toke*

  4. Outsife of the complete “what the fuck” this story gives you, mayor pros to the audiovisual team behind this video, the reconstructions and dramatization of some scenes were amazing, the actresses they got to play the twins were really good too

  5. I feel like these women had some type of suicide pact. Sabina seemed to be the more “crazy” one and the other one seemed to go back to life as usual after the attempt failed.

    If you are mentally ill, why would you answer “no comment” to questions about a murder you committed? So strange.

  6. When you’re a cop and a situation like this is finally you just go back to work for that day? Do cops get the day off after some shit like this goes down? I can’t imagine wanting to do anything but sit the fuck down for a couple hours after that…

  7. The [wikipedia]( on the Eriksson Twins give details that are just so bizarre…

    “She ran out of the house with a hammer, periodically hitting herself over the head with it.”

    “Sabina screamed and took a roof tile out of her pocket and struck him on the back of the head”

    Its amazing to think that Sabina gets hit by TWO cars, on 2 separate occasions at motorway speeds, stabs a guy to death with a kitchen knife, tries repeatedly to crush her own skull with a hammer, and finally jumps from a 12-metre (40 ft) high bridge onto a main road, and SURVIVES. If you saw that happen in a movie, you would complain it was far-fetched…

  8. My mother had psychotic episodes. I went no contact with her and one day she shows up out of nowhere where i lived, did not know she knew, and she tells me “are you done packing? you’re coming home.” I tried to shut the door, but she barged in, and despite every effort of my being (without violence) i absolutely could not overpower her. I am 6′ ~160lbs and my mother was 5′ ~80lbs, and she got through a doorway, a living room, dining room, up a flight of stairs, and got into the upper hallway before police showed up, after being called by my neighbors.

    I find nothing as terrifying or as truly unpredictable as a legit crazy person.

  9. When they released her from the hospital the first time I shouted “WHAT?!” When someone tries to throw themselves into traffic twice, you do not release them. I can’t believe that would happen in the US.

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