Simple Delicious Alkaline Recipes!

Simple delicious recipes using Alkaline foods! Most of the ingredients used are also part of Dr Sebi electric foods! If you haven’t seen his work I recommend having a look. This was a highly requested video I hope you guys enjoy it! As I said in the video these are the theories and research i’ve found and I AM NOT A MEDICAL PROFESSIONALl!!! These are recipes for anyone looking for some more alkaline recipes! Hope the recipes are helpful! love always xx

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Comment (38)

  1. This was a highly requested video I hope you guys enjoy it! As I said in the video these are the theories and research i've found and I AM NOT A MEDICAL PROFESSIONALl!!! These are recipes for anyone looking for some more alkaline recipes! Hope the recipes are helpful! love always xx

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