The David Rubenstein Show: Tim Cook

Apple CEO Tim Cook talks about working with Steve Jobs, the values at Apple, including privacy and equality, and if he’d run for president. He speaks with David Rubenstein on “The David Rubenstein Show: Peer-to-Peer Conversations.”

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Comment (47)

  1. A great interviewer. The real reason they didn’t call it iwatch was politically inconvenient to Tim and David took the hint right away and gracefully retreated from the question rather than push the issue and make the situation awkward.

  2. I love this interview. thank you for motivating me. Interviews without any agenda just pure unadulterated Q&A about how to be successful just feels inspiring and motivating to continue working.

  3. Artie Lange's classic joke told at an Apple conference, yes they invited Lange to speak the morons, was "The gays at Apple call Tim Cook's cum Apple sauce." Silence. He followed that up with "They call his urine Apple juice." ESCORTED OUT OF THE BUILDING. Snowflakes have no sense of humor.

  4. This guy is probably the luckiest guy on earth. He ended up being the CEO of one of the biggest corporations on earth by total accident! He has zero charisma and no ideas…

  5. Not a great innovator or has the attention to detail that Jobs had. Will be interesting where Apple go next. Iphone sales are down to which they have made the profit up with increasing prices but the prices are now at a ceiling so sales will continue to go down. There's no more wow factors that can be added to the phone just tiny upgrades to speed, screen, camera etc.

  6. Ya me están cortando el teléfono, Te tienen envidia Tim porque nunca serán como tú.😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏📱📱📱📱📱📱🤗🤗😘😘

  7. Me estoy acordando de cuando intenté seguir a Tim en Twitter y me cortaron éstos de aquí.Que bueno es recordar. Y me encanta seguir a gente como él porque de los buenos siempre se aprende.No aprendo nada aquí con las clases ,ni con los mujeriegos ,ni con los de aquí .Aprendo con gente como Tim,Warren ,Elon,Ma, Forbes magazine AD arquitecture etc.Chapeau Tim.

  8. The reporter was wrong , tim isnt the ceo with the lowest ego ,its larry and sergey that dont even want to be on camera ,dont even want to be does kind of ceo´s that are considered heros like steve, elon, tim cook and others. Larry and sergey are the most humble ceo´s from the top 100

  9. Duke university is where there is still segregation. Descendents of slave masters still have issues with African Americans and other races. I would not go to that university

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