The Easiest Garlic Bread Recipe!

Fresh and flavorful, this homemade Garlic Bread is going to be the absolute best recipe you’ll make. Perfectly crispy edges with a soft buttery and garlicky center, you will not want the store-bought version ever again after your first bite. It’s fast, easy, and a guaranteed crowd-pleaser. If you need a side dish that everyone can agree on, you have to make this easy garlic bread recipe.




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Comment (48)

  1. HOLY SHIT…..5 mins for easy? Here ya go folks, 2 slices of bread in toaster, slather with butter then hit with garlic powder and salt to taste, then NUKE for 10 seconds and in less than 3 minutes you have tasty garlic bread and YES I HAVE DONE THIS FOR MANY friend's and family and ALL were STUNNED at how easy it was.

  2. Smoke Marlboros and drink Coors Banquet! I am 155 Lbs. At 5' 11". Same size I was in high school. 2 30 packs a week. I am 55 years old and never gained a pound. I also eat like an animal. 2 Large coffees with 10 sugars every morning. Pizza once or twice a week. Bacon and eggs every weekend.

  3. ..'Set your over to 350… Yes because the world speaks an outdated, backward system of measurement.. so over USA-centric videos that do NOT give measurements in what LITERALLY THE REST OF THE ENTIRE WORLD USES!!!

  4. I just made the garlic bread. I didn't have fresh Parmesan Cheese so I used the one in the container. The garlic bread is absolutely delicious and so easy to make. Thank you and God bless you…..😊

  5. What the hell is "Broil" temperature, and how about telling us upfront what 350F is in Centigrade, most of the non US world cooks in 21st Century temperatures…looks tasty though…👍🖖✊️

  6. Yes, they work like magic. If your faucet is stainless steel you can rub your fingers on that as well and skip an extra kitchen item. You have to clean your faucet anyhow, so why not?

  7. I definitely would add the whole bulb of garlic to our garlic bread. I also just run my fingers, carefully, up and down my stainless steel knife to take away the garlic smell. You don't need to buy a special stainless steel "soap bar" to get rid of the smell. Anything stainless steel will work.

  8. Stainless steel for garlic or onion smells? Works great! I used my stainless steel sink, wet hands, wet sink and rub. And the sink was always there, never had to "put it away" when I was done deodorizing my hands.

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