Koenigsegg Agera RS hits 284 mph – IN CAR FOOTAGE

Koenigsegg Agera RS hits 284 mph – IN CAR FOOTAGE

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  1. Seems like it had plenty more left in the tank as well. What’s scariest is how everything is warped at that speed, like the poles on the median strip looked as if they were bent over completely from 250+mph

  2. Is that Interstate 80 between Reno and Salt Lake City somewhere? Where’s the westbound lanes?

    What’s amazing about this road is to me, it’s clear it can handle a 500-600 mph attempt with no problem… maybe even Mach 1 with some sort of computer stability/steering augmentation. I’d like to see that done one day.

  3. This is a really cool video, the sense of speed is real. You can clearly see your normal highway speeds, then it just gets more and more insane. Really puts 280mph in perspective.

  4. I have a fast motorcycle, I once pulled it to 280 km/h or 173 mp/h and I felt like any microsecond could be my last. The sensation of speed and potential danger was overwhelming. Seeing this car casually cruising at that kind of speed is mindblowing.

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