Apple Fritters Recipe – How to Make Apple Fritters

Learn how to make an Apple Fritters Recipe! Visit for the ingredients, more information, and many, many more video recipes. I hope you enjoy this easy, and delicious Apple Fritters Recipe!

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Comment (28)

  1. My husband made these on Sunday, he's a beginner cook and these were so good it was a fritter filled day! My husband's a dipper, I'm a drizzled, but either way these fritters are easy and out of this world wonderful. Oh man, I hope he makes them again!! Thanks Chef John!

  2. Yep. gotta make these. Thanks for the wonderfully simple recipe Chef John. Your riposte ain't bad either. Likes me some good smackdown! Keep doing what you're doing. Your humor is priceless. We love you!

  3. I tried using bronze medal apple cider to save some coin. Big mistake, it tastes like a scurvily pigs urine. Stick with the gold medal as John recommends.

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